Sharon Buchbinder, author of Some Other Child , Paranormal Romance Guild Best Mystery/Thriller, 2012, interviewed me for her popular blog on July 30, 2013. She probed with such queries as Why would a doctor want to write murder mysteries and thrillers ? and Do you plot your novels or write by the seat of your pants as an organic writer? . The question that nearly stumped me was coming up with a theme song for my fourth and newly released novel Wiggle Room . Thank goodness I still watch some TV. I hope you enjoy the interview and comments to follow as much as I did. ----- Darden The text of the entire piece is reprinted below (with a typo corrected), followed by posted comments: Interview with Darden North, Author of Wiggle Room Posted on July 30, 2013 by Sharon Buchbinder I am delighted to have my fellow member
Novels of Southern Fiction