This article initially appeared in the Author Exchange Blog hosted by Linda M. Faulkner on Tuesday, March 17, 2009 Author Exchange Blog ...Reviews with published authors, along with their articles, advice, and writing tips... Thick Skin and Rock-hard Confidence: Survival Tips from a Teflon Novelist - by Darden North, M.D. When I first decided to write a novel, my children were pre-teens and John Grisham was cornering the fiction market. Grisham was also from Mississippi and selling millions of books so I reasoned that I could do the same, or at least come close. For much too long, I had talked about writing a novel, and by that time I was finally ready to do it. Besides, after 24 years of formal education followed by a decade of private medical practice, I had been exposed to a smorgasbord of colorful folks--and I’m not referring to the patients. In fact, for my first novel, I had the major characters clearly in mind before the plot even developed. That developmental process was
Novels of Southern Fiction