Southern Independent Book Association (SIBA)Trade Show 2009 Greenville, SC September 25-27, 2009 Darden North will be one of several book award authors "put on" The Writers’ Block - SIBA's first-ever Feed-an-Author Auction & Reception Saturday, September 26, 2009, 6 - 7:30 p.m., SIBA 2009 Trade Show, Carolina First Center, Greenville, SC. Reprinted from the Southern Independent Book Association (SIBA) website: Bring your money and outbid your neighbor at this first ever SIBA FunRaiser! 2009 Book Award Authors will go on the block. You bid for the privilege of taking them out to dinner. Once the going, going, gones are announced the winning bidders and authors are off to dinner together. The minimum bid is $20 and must be raised in increments of at least one dollar. Shuttles will be available to take folks downtown to our sponsor Table 301’s family of restaurants. Every author package will include a restaurant gift card. A percentage of the proceed will got to L...