Generation Dementia by Michael Hartnett My rating: 5 of 5 stars "Generation Dementia" is my fortunate introduction to Hartnett's writing, a unique style unfolded in this novel's plot, blending what the reader could at first assume is pure fantasy, but in reality is plausible fiction. Narrator and protagonist Hash reveals his own coming of age story in which his high school in Frick Village seems obsessed with garbage collection. Hash's personal involvement in the student program, Operation Pick-up Kids, shows his attempt to complete the void in his life through other people's garbage. Much of his fascination centers on the information gathered from a set of discarded and now obsolete computer floppy discs, the diary of newsman Levon Gallagher, who inspired Hash's own mother to begin her own blog. It is not until his mother's death that Hash reads his mother's musings and grows closer to her. The void she has left becomes obvious as he tries to ...
Novels of Southern Fiction