“The Son – Silas Rising” introduces the world to a unique serial killer. At first glance, a stealthy political assassin driven by personal revenge may not seem to represent a new story line. But when the early back story reveals that Silas seeks payback for his parents’ premature death as the result of the newly enacted, but stingy, U.S. health care laws, the reader knows that the congressmen responsible don’t have a chance. Of course, becoming a millionaire through shrewd investing initially gives Silas the benefit of playing the eccentric while having the resources to take down the reckless politicos in imaginative ways, including barbed wire on a Texas ranch. The first novel of this exciting new series by Doug Dahlgren introduces Silas, the self-made millionaire and serial killer, who leaves clues to his crimes through the words of Revolutionary War heroes. A reader must admire a new novelist such as Mr. Dahlgren who has a grasp of history and can weave it in...
Novels of Southern Fiction